5 Environmental Law Issues Businesses Often Face

Environmental laws apply to a wide range of situations in everyday life, and many of those affect businesses. Whether you're running a small operation or a massive corporation, there's a good chance you may need the help of an environmental law practice. It's a good idea to get out in front of such concerns, and here are 5 common problems to keep an eye out for while running your business. [Read More]

Starting A Business? Two Reasons To Speak With An Employment Law Attorney

Making the decision to step away from tradition by starting your own business can be quite liberating. Knowing that you are now in the driver's seat and have the ability to write your own check and reach financial heights that used to be out of reach can make you feel very excited about the future. You're ready to get going and want to hire a few team members to round out your squad. [Read More]

Can You Get Your Criminal Charges Expunged?

Expungement is a legal process that people use to eliminate criminal charges from their records. When the court agrees to expungement, they take the criminal charges and hide them from the person's record. When people look up a person's criminal record, no one will see the charges that the court expunged. Are you interested in getting your charges expunged? If so, you will need to hire an expungement attorney. The attorney will review the following factors to determine if the court will approve this request. [Read More]

The Basics Of Financial Distribution In Your Divorce

If you are preparing to file for divorce, it's important that you understand some of the finer points about how your divorce settlement will be determined in court. One of the things that many people find themselves confused by is the financial distribution in their divorce. Before you file for your divorce, it's in your best interest to understand how your finances are likely to be separated. Here's a look at some of the factors that affect the distribution of your debts and assets. [Read More]