4 Scary Scenarios You Might Face While Renting Your First Apartment.

Are you experiencing the need to find your first apartment?  Leaving home is one of the most important steps you'll ever make, but there are unfortunate scenarios that arise when you're looking for an apartment home. Below are four scary scenarios you might encounter that will require you to consult with a real estate lawyer:  The Terms Of Your Lease Aren't Clear When you rent an apartment, you'll be required to sign a rental agreement, which is commonly referred to as a lease. [Read More]

What Will Happen When You Cannot Repay Chapter 13 Debt?

There may come a point where your bills are stacked up so high that you do not see a way to get out of debt. In that situation, it may be best to file for bankruptcy. When debts or income exceeds the requirements to file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy, your only alternative is to file for Chapter 13 and repay your debts over time. Unfortunately, many of people that file for Chapter 13 bankruptcy are unable to pay their debts back. [Read More]

Keys To Winning Your Slip And Fall Case

While slip and fall injuries might not seem as dangerous as other personal injury cases, they account for 8 million hospital visits per year and cause plenty of people to miss time from work. In order for you to make sure that you are able to get the help that you need after sustaining a slip and fall injury, you'll need to know the best way to proceed. This will help you get the payment that you need to get your life back in order, so that the injury isn't any more of a setback than it should be. [Read More]

Have A Financial Safety Plan Before Agreeing To Settlements

Personal injury settlements can be a tricky subject because of the perceived victory that comes with the settlement. If you're being offered compensation, you may think that the settlement is an end to your financial woes and a way to get back on track after injury. Unfortunately, the settlement may be designed to be just enough to tempt you, but not enough to support potential problems that may occur later in life as the injury worsens. [Read More]