Can You Get Disability If You Have Anemia?

Can You Get Disability Benefits for Anemia? Several criteria must be met to qualify for Social Security Disability benefits if you have chronic anemia. Some of the conditions to qualify include required blood transfusions, having other health conditions, and performance of meaningful work. Research performed by The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) confirmed that from 2010, the amount of first-listed patients needing care totaled 392,000. What is Chronic Anemia? [Read More]

Why Should You Hire A Divorce Attorney?

Divorce can be an ugly mess. When it comes to experiences that can leave you emotionally drained and legally confused, divorces can be one the messiest matters. Luckily, a divorce attorney can help you sort out numerous issues and, while far from making the experience easy, they can certainly make it easier. Throughout the course of this brief guide, you will learn of just a few reasons why it is necessary to hire a divorce attorney throughout your divorce proceedings. [Read More]

Can Getting A DUI Really Raise Your Homeowner's Insurance Rates?

It's a fairly well-known fact that being convicted of a DUI can cause your auto insurance rates to increase or motivate your provider to drop you altogether. Depending on the circumstances of your case, a DUI can have a similar effect on your homeowner's insurance in a couple of ways. Here's what you need to know about this issue so you can prepare yourself for this possibility. Increased Risk The financial fallout associated with a DUI can have a negative impact on your credit score. [Read More]

3 Factors To Consider Before Filing A Malpractice Lawsuit Against Your Dentist

Did you recently suffer pain or even serious damage after a dental procedure? Do you feel that the dentist was negligent in his or her treatment of your problem? If so, you may be able to file a medical malpractice lawsuit against the dentist. Dentists can commit malpractice just like other doctors. If the malpractice and resulting injury were serious enough, you could receive payment for any additional medical bills and for your suffering. [Read More]