Working In Sales? Be Careful How You Represent Your Product

If you're in the sales business in any industry, be careful what you say. While all sales professionals may be inclined to brag up their products a little, you have to make sure that you don't misrepresent the product. If you do, and the customer relies on your words, you've opened yourself (or the company you represent) up to a lawsuit. This is what you should understand about misrepresentation. What is misrepresentation? [Read More]

Don't Forget To Do These Four Things When You've Been In A Motor Vehicle Accident

Being in a motor vehicle accident can be a stressful event, particularly if you are injured as a result. You may want to rest and heal, but if you have been sued or you want to file a claim against the other driver, there are some things you have to remember to do in order to prevail. Don't forget the following things when you've been in a car accident. Write Down Your Memory of Events [Read More]

Accomplice Liability: You Can Be Guilty Even If You Didn't Do the Crime

It may come as a shock to defendants when they're charged with accomplice liability, because some people may not realize that the law can hold you responsible even if you didn't commit a crime yourself. If you're facing criminal charges as an accomplice, this is what you should know: 1.) Your intentions matter when it comes to guilt. Your presence at a crime isn't what makes you an accomplice. What makes you an accomplice is your intent to either instigate the crime or to participate in it in some way. [Read More]

Foreclosure And Bankruptcy: How Bankruptcy Can Help And When It's Not Worth It

If you're currently facing a foreclosure and considering bankruptcy as an option, you may be curious about how much bankruptcy can really help and whether it's even worth it. Below are common myths surrounding bankruptcy and foreclosure and the facts behind them.  Myth: Filing for Bankruptcy Will Permanently Stop a Foreclosure Fact: While a petition for bankruptcy filed prior to a foreclosure notice will temporarily put your foreclosure on hold, it isn't a permanent option. [Read More]