Nurse Case Managers: Are They The Workers' Compensation Claimant's Friend Or Foe?

A nurse case manager (NCM) is sometimes assigned to an injured worker in order to help the worker schedule (and keep) his or her doctor's appointments or physical therapy, make the arrangements for any hospital testing, surgeries, or post-surgical care, and get any necessary medical aids or prescriptions. On the surface, that sounds like such a wonderful thing it's hard to understand why everyone wouldn't be delighted to have an NCM assigned to their case. [Read More]

What to Know About Dispositive Motions in Your Personal Injury Trial

If you are the victim of a person or business's negligence, you may find yourself in court. Cases can be resolved outside of court, but when when all pretrial settlement negotiations have failed to provide you with a fair compensation package, court may inevitable. Court cases usually do not proceed in a smooth manner. There are a number of continuances, postponements, hearings, and motions to contend with on a weekly or even daily basis. [Read More]

4 Actions To Avoid When Fighting For Custody Of Your Grandchild

Sometimes the best thing for a grandchild can be to live with their grandparents. The bond between you and your grandchild may be stronger than the one that they have with parents, especially if you have acted as a primary caregiver for part of or the entirety of a child's life. If you find yourself looking at family law and pursuing custody of your grandchild, avoid these actions that can be bad for you, your grandchild, and your case for custody. [Read More]

Why Fight A Traffic Ticket With The Help Of A Lawyer

When you receive a ticket while driving that you believe is questionable, you may believe it is easier to just pay the ticket and move on. Have you ever considered hiring a traffic violations attorney that can help fight this ticket for you? Here are some reasons you should do it. Traffic Tickets Have Consequences That Can Be Severe Don't assume that a traffic ticket is no big deal. There can be severe consequences associated with it. [Read More]