Were You Injured At Work?

Have you been injured while you were performing your duties at your work place? If so, there are several steps you should take to make sure that you are treated fairly. First Things First - Obviously, the first thing that had to happen was for you to get immediate help. If you had the ability to get yourself up and to the first aid station, your injuries might have been very minor. [Read More]

Three Good Reasons To Try Co-Parenting

If you're contemplating divorce, the prospect of sharing parenting responsibilities with your spouse may not sound all that attractive. After all, most divorcing couples have difficulty communicating about small issues, let alone those that affect the health and well-being of their children. However, there many good reasons for at least attempting to keep both you and your spouse in your children's lives on a regular basic, not the least of which is helping your children to feel secure: [Read More]

Starting A Fire Won't Make Your Problems Go Up In Smoke

There are various reasons why you might be tempted to start a fire and burn up someone's property -- even your own. Before you light that match, there are some things you should know about this crime. Definition of Arson Arson is the intentional setting of fire and burning of property, and it is usually considered a felony crime because of its potential for harm. Reasons For Committing Arson Some people commit arson for insurance fraud, to get revenge on someone and cause property damage, while engaging in domestic violence and/or as an afterthought to destroy evidence of another crime. [Read More]

Assets And Late-Life Divorce

If you and your mate are preparing to get divorced, and you are fifty-five or older, there are some differences in how assets should be handled. This is because you have less time for financial recovery following divorce than a younger person would have, due to impending retirement and other factors. Some of your shared assets could be used as bargaining tools so that you can receive the things you want most, and it's important to be aware of this as you decide on what to ask for. [Read More]