How To Lower The Chance Of A Slip And Fall At Your Business

If you own a business, a very stressful experience to go through is when a customer slips and falls on your property. If they are badly hurt, they can use a lawyer to help sue you for their injuries. To prevent this kind of accident from happening in the first place, follow these 3 tips. Fill In Any Parking Lot Potholes A parking lot is an area that sees a lot of foot traffic, and chances are that the surface is not very even. [Read More]

2 Reasons To Hire A Workers' Compensation Lawyer

A workers' compensation lawyer is one of the most important people you can contact if you have been injured while doing your job or while on a work site, mostly because he or she can help you deal with many of the difficulties that can arise with the claims process. This type of lawyer can help you avoid retaliation from an employer and increase your odds of winning your case. [Read More]

4 Reasons to Hire an Employment Attorney

The challenges of the workforce can be many and difficult to handle. It's important to feel that you're treated fairly and aren't legally corrupted on your job. The key to being able to deal with any work-related problems that you're facing is to rely on the expertise of a lawyer.  Knowing specific reasons for hiring an employment attorney may be helpful to you in this situation. Breach of Contract If you were hired to do a job for a certain amount of time and at a certain wage, this should be granted by your employer if a contract was signed. [Read More]

Tractor Trailer Cargo Issues: A Guide For Other Drivers On The Road

Unsecured cargo on tractor trailers is a contributing factor to accidents on roadways each year. Some of these accidents result in fatalities and injured victims. Tractor trailer trucks weigh 20 to 30 times more than regular vehicles, and they also require more time to brake, which is one reason why trucks hauling unsecured cargo are dangerous. Knowing how to safely handle your own vehicle in the event of a truck's cargo mishap could save your life, but if you or a loved one are injured, you could be compensated. [Read More]